All orders are subject to product availability. If an item is not in stock at the time you place your order, we will notify you and refund the total amount of your order using the original payment method.
Whether you offer one or more shipping methods, list different methods and estimated business day delivery times for each. Many times this is displayed using a simple table format with one column showing different methods such as standard shipping or express shipping and another column showing the expected processing time frame.
An estimated delivery time will be provided to you after placing your order. Delivery times are approximate and start from the date of dispatch, not the date of order. Delivery times are indicative only and are subject to receipt and approval of your order.
Barring exceptional circumstances, we will make every effort to fulfill your order within 15 working days of the date of your order. Working day means Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. Please note that we do not ship on Saturdays and Sundays. The delivery date may vary depending on the shipping practice of the carrier, the place of delivery, the method of delivery and the items ordered. Products may also be delivered in separate shipments.
If the packaging is damaged on delivery, please contact us immediately at
If you have any questions about delivery and shipment or your order, please contact us at