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25kg HSD Salt Water Softener Salt Tablets

(2 customer reviews)

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Original price was: £27.80.Current price is: £24.99.

25kg of HSDsalt Water Softener Salt Tablets of Premium Food Grade Quality British Salt Tablets, Ideal For Use in the Kitchen, Laundry, and Dishwasher, Among Other Applications. for use in both commercial and residential places.

SKU: HSD Salt tab 25kg

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25kg HSD Salt Water Softener Salt Tablets

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: £27.80.Current price is: £24.99.

Special Discount

25kg of HSDsalt Water Softener Salt Tablets of Premium Food Grade Quality British Salt Tablets, Ideal For Use in the Kitchen, Laundry, and Dishwasher, Among Other Applications. for use in both commercial and residential places.

SKU: HSD Salt tab 25kg


25 Kg HSDsalt Water Softener Salt Tablets

25kg of HSD water softener salt tablets of premium food grade quality British salt tablets.

For use in the kitchen, laundry, and dishwasher, among other applications. for use in both commercial and residential places. Water softening salts are formulated to dissolve uniformly, preventing the accumulation of undissolved salt at the water softener’s base.

Ideal for use in  Kitchen and Dishwasher

Water Softener for Dishwashing Using salt tablets in your dishwasher can soften the water going into the machine, allowing you to use less cleaning solution per load, which is good for the environment and your wallet
For efficient softening of hard water, try using 25Kg HSD water softener salt tablets food-grade quality British salt tables like HSD 25kg water softener salt tablets, which are ideal for use in laundry, kitchens, factories, and hotels. If you use water softener salt tablets to treat the water going into your dishwasher, you may reduce the amount of cleaning solution you need to use with each load, which is good for the environment and your wallet.
• Use in institutional or home dishwashers with no problems.
This system softens the water, making it easier to use for cleaning purposes.
• Comes stocked with 25kg of salt, enough to last for a long time and in many different uses.

The Finest for Textiles and Washing

Using softener may make your laundry feel softer and cleaner, keep whites looking whiter, and even increase the lifespan of your clothes by up to 20%. It’s a proven truth that you’ll save on detergent. As an added bonus, you’ll be saving money and reducing your carbon footprint at home.

Personal Care Products for the Skin and Hair

There is no denying that soft water is better for your hair and skin. Since the installation, customers have claimed that their formerly debilitating cases of dry scalp have totally vanished. You’ll no longer have itchy, flaky scalp. Plus, your skin will feel softer than ever.

Car cleaning

Most valet services utilise soft water, which may be accessed from an outdoor faucet, to eliminate the need to leather the car after washing.

2 reviews for 25kg HSD Salt Water Softener Salt Tablets

  1. Terry

    Great product and fully satisfied. Just watch that the 25kg is heavy for the less able

  2. Jhon D

    Have been using these for years, work really well.

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25kg HSD Salt Water Softener Salt Tablets
Original price was: £27.80.Current price is: £24.99.